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Subject Verb Agreement Examples Ppt


Subject verb agreement is an important aspect of English grammar. Whether you are writing a formal document or communicating through casual conversation, it is important to ensure that your subject and verb agree in number. Incorrect usage can result in confusion and misunderstandings. In this article, we will discuss subject verb agreement examples in ppt format.

1. Singular subjects

If the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular. For example:

– The dog barks at the mailman. (correct)

– The dog bark at the mailman. (incorrect)

Here, the subject “dog” is singular, so the verb “barks” also needs to be singular.

2. Plural subjects

Similarly, if the subject is plural, the verb needs to be plural too. For example:

– The cats meow loudly. (correct)

– The cats meows loudly. (incorrect)

In this case, the subject “cats” is plural, so the verb “meow” needs to be plural too.

3. Compound subjects

When there are two or more subjects joined by “and,” the verb needs to be plural. For example:

– The cat and the dog chase each other around the yard. (correct)

– The cat and the dog chases each other around the yard. (incorrect)

Here, both “cat” and “dog” are subjects, joined by “and,” so the verb “chase” needs to be plural.

4. Indefinite pronouns

Indefinite pronouns such as “everyone,” “anyone,” “someone,” etc. are always singular. Therefore, the verb must also be singular. For example:

– Everyone is excited about the party. (correct)

– Everyone are excited about the party. (incorrect)

Here, the subject is “everyone,” which is singular, so the verb “is” also needs to be singular.

5. Collective nouns

Collective nouns such as “family,” “team,” “group,” etc. can be either singular or plural depending on context. For example:

– The family is going on vacation. (singular subject)

– The family are arguing about where to go. (plural subject)

In the first sentence, “family” is a singular subject, so the verb “is” is also singular. In the second sentence, “family” is referring to different individuals within the group, so the verb “are” needs to be plural.

In conclusion, subject verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar. In order to communicate effectively, it is important to use the correct form of verbs based on the subject. By understanding these examples, you can avoid common mistakes and ensure that your writing or speech is clear and concise.

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